Sunday, March 25, 2012

Distance Is Not For The Fearful

"Distance is not for the fearful, it is for the bold. It is for those who are willing to spend a lot of time alone in exchange for a little time with the one they love. It is for those knowing a good thing when they see it, even if they don't see it nearly enough."

Anyone who has a spouse and actually lives in the same house with them, don’t take it for granted. If you live in the same city or even the same state as them - don't take it for granted.

Next time you start to argue with them, think about how lucky you are to have someone there to even argue with. If you get to tell them hello each morning, and kiss them goodnight each night, you are luckier than some.

Being deployed half a world away last year made me thankful to be back in the U.S. and have the opportunity to see Shane once a month, and talk to him on the phone every day. I never thought that a thousand miles would seem like a short distance! And I know that being a thousand miles away from him now will make me appreciate finally being home with him, in the same house.

I'm sure there will be a point in the future when Shane and I will get so accustomed to being together that we will be tempted to take each other for granted. But I know all I'll have to do is think back to these times when we see each other so infrequently, and I'll be thankful for the closeness.

All that to say - don't take each other for granted. No matter how far apart you may be, physically or otherwise, it could always be worse, so now is the time to care for the relationship – and to appreciate what you have while you have it.

"And ever has it been known that love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation." - Khalil Gibran

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